Secret Garden of Lanterns

Amidst the turmoil and restlessness in the world, it is a lovely idea to stow away in a secret garden of celebrate life, to be in the moment with your best loved ones, your sisters, and to make a wish upon a lantern...A wish for peace, harmony and love amongst all peoples of this Earth.

If you read the previous blog about a Wish Upon a Lantern, you'll know that this is a sequel to the story of the three sisters of the Orient.

The creation of sisters, Aki and Rantan, was inspired by so many things. Hence, their existence represents and means a lot. All things Japanese were inspired by one little Japanese girl's birthday and a custom doll created just for her as requested by her sweet grandmother. All things lantern were inspired by Southeast Asia's recent celebration of the Autumn Festival (aka Moon Festival).

In 2016, the Mid-Autumn Festival was on September 15. During the festivals, which is to welcome the Autumn, thousands of lanterns are set ablaze floating upward into the moonlit night sky or downward into the ebb of a moonlit river. Traditionally, lanterns signified wishes for health, harmony or longevity. Lantern festivities are a sight to behold and I do dare to dream that one day, I will travel with my children back to my homeland country of Vietnam and experience this magical event with them.

We live in an interesting age. Amidst these times of chaos and uncertainty in the world, there is always a place for hope that humanity can rise out of the smoldering ruins that are caused by hatred and anger and restore unto itself a place filled...

...not with hate, but with love

...not with greed, but with generosity

...not with power, but with empowerment

...not with fear, but with courage

...not with conflict, but with unity...

...A place where people of all colors, all faiths and all backgrounds can be as one and live in harmony. This is the wish from these sisters...their wish upon a lantern...a wish for the world to be at peace with itself.

This month, Aki and Rantan will join Dollectable to represent the group of multi-nationals to promote harmony and peace for all.


Aki is a 6" Wee-Bee Mini Elfcup. She is made from 100% cotton interlock. Her dark soft locks are made of wefted 100% suri alpaca and can be lightly styled. Her facial structure is lightly sculpted. Her eyes and lips are embroidered with 100% cotton floss. Her cheeks, lips, nose and various body parts are blushed with red beeswax.

Aki comes wearing a wee-tiny kimono made with a beautiful 100% cotton floral fabric and 100% cotton bias at the neckline. The kimono is wrapped at the waist with an obi made from 100% linen and cotton. The obi is secured with two nickel-plated brass snap buttons on the back. Underneath, she wears a set of tiny bloomers matching her kimono. 

On her feet, Aki wears a simple pair of sandals made from a hand-dyed Kakishibu 100% silk yarn crocheted lining and matching fabric straps stitched to soles made of 100% Belgian wool felt.


Rantan is a 6" Wee-Bee Mini Elfcup. She is made from 100% cotton interlock. Her dark soft bobs are made of wefted 100% suri alpaca. Her facial structure is lightly sculpted. Her eyes and lips are embroidered with 100% cotton floss. Her cheeks, lips, nose and various body parts are blushed with red beeswax.

Rantan comes wearing a wee-tiny kimono made with a beautiful 100% cotton floral fabric and 100% cotton bias at the neckline. The kimono is wrapped at the waist with an obi made from 100% cotton. The obi is secured with two nickel-plated brass snap buttons on the back. Underneath, she wears a set of tiny bloomers matching her kimono.

On her feet, Rantan wears a simple pair of sandals made from a hand-dyed Kakishibu 100% silk yarn crocheted lining and matching fabric straps stitched to soles made of 100% Belgian wool felt.

Lastly, and most importantly, both sisters carry a special lantern...for making wishes come true. Their lanterns are made from 100% cotton. Lighting the lanterns from inside is a brand new, tea light wrapped very securely in 100% cotton fabric and 100% Belgian wool felt. A tiny opening is left at the top of the lanterns to switch it on and off. The lanterns' design was inspired by the physalis alkekengi (or Japanese lantern plant) itself. 

Aki and Rantan, two sisters stowing away in a secret garden of lanterns to wish upon the Earth peace and harmony. If you are interested in bringing home the celebration of Autumn, beautiful lantern wishes and a piece of harmony for the world, you can find Aki and Rantan in their secret garden celebrating with all the other friends tonight, October 1, 2016 at 7:00 PM (EST) at Dollectable.

Embracing the Changes in Life

The evolution of life is a remarkable thing! Each and every day experiences shape and mold us into the person we are today. While each experience may or may not be monumental, they all add up to impact and change us in ways we never imagined. The most spectacular and simultaneously the most difficult may be that of parenthood...perhaps, even more specifically, that of motherhood.

Although I don't remember very clearly, as I was recuperating from the intensity of labor during our first child's birth, but, I was told that the first words to come from holding my baby for the first time was, "I never knew this kind of love existed." Those words stand true to this day. There is nothing to compare to the love that we have for our children. And until we have children, we never really know this kind of love...the kind that takes your breathe away each time you hold and hug and kiss the little ones that you love most, the kind that makes you know what it feels like to have your heart walking outside of your body, the kind that makes you marvel at the beauty and magnificence of life as you watch them learn and grow, fumble and fly. Each stage of development brings within us both joy and because they have mastered a skill, an ability, a piece of knowledge that will add to their life long repertoire of tools to becoming a fully independent and functional part of society and sadness because one step forward means one step further away from us they move.

Perhaps what most beautifully encapsulates human growth and development is that which is the butterfly...a life species that starts off slow moving, relatively sedentary, so completely dependent and vulnerable suddenly transforms into one of the most graceful, beautiful, independent and amazing creations on earth. The butterfly, not so unlike us, must be set free so that it can fly and BE beautiful. These creations of nature are very sensitive to changes and will be the first to perish from an imbalanced ecosystem. For what good is a butterfly who is sad and held back from fluttering freely in the wind and the air that breathes into them life.

And so, it is the same with our children. We must, at some point, allow them to fly and be free so that they may shine with all their brightness and beauty. And in turn, they will leave a mark on us that would never have formed if they did not come into our lives. This is called the love of life. So, tell me, do you know of this kind of love? And if you do, you know that embracing the changes in life can mean heartbreak, heartache and everything sorrowful at the same time that it means beautiful, magical and remarkable. These are the sentiments that encapsulate the inspiration for my next custom creation.