
ALAS! Welcome to the world, Wisegrey!

As I spent the month of January tending to many things within and beyond my workshop, this little owl sat in perfect patience waiting for his turn to awaken so that he may gather his "five-pound note, a small guitar and a honey jar" to begin on his journey of "a year and a day" across the seas with his sweetheart in search of their ring. 

Without further ado, let me introduce to you a young, grey and wise little soul.

If you were around last Fall, you might remember a young kitty by the name of Margaux.

Wisegrey came into the world for Margaux. So, soon...very soon these two shall set sail to the place where they will "dine on mince and slices of quince" and "dance by the light of the moon." Ah...swoon!

Wisegrey and Margaux are inspired by Scarlet Elfcup's "The Owl and the Pussycat" playset, created back in September of 2014. Margaux went home to her mama long ago and she's been patiently waiting for the arrival of her little owl. To read more about the inspiration behind the making of Wisegrey, you must read the "Words of Wisdom."

So, here he is...Wisegrey! Surely, you must be able to guess how he got his name. I needn't say more than the fact that his beautiful grey suit and the words of wisdom he carries in his hat and on his sleeve speaks for themselves. Little Wisegrey can doctor the grayest of days with words of comfort and wisdom, which he always carries under his hood and on his sleeves. Who wouldn't want such a wise sweet boy nearby always?

Wisegrey is an 8" (20 cm) doll, made with natural materials. His facial skin is made with premium quality swiss cotton jersey and his body/bodysuit is composed of ultra-soft, clean, repurposed 100% cashmere. He is softly stuffed with bio-wool and weighted with non-toxic, washable stuffing beads. His owl bodysuit is permanently sewn on, but his hat is remove-able to reveal a sweet head full of ginger-brown hair. His hair is made of mohair yarn. His owl hat has buttons for the eyes and a piece of printed fabric for the nose. He has an embroidered and simple, expressionless face. His cheeks and nose are blushed with red beeswax. His wings are embellished with beautiful and inspiring words of wisdom cut from individually-shaped fabrics sewn and then stitched to the wing. His feet are lined on one side with this beautiful printed fabric.

Wisegrey comes with his sweet guitar made of 100% cotton from a gorgeous vintage Owl and Pussycat fabric. The guitar is stuffed with 100% clean carded wool and measures about 6 in. (15 cm) long.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Wisegrey is recommended for ages 8+ due to the delicate nature of his design and the small parts on him that pose as choking hazards for very young children.

Words of Wisdom

The beginning of a new year offers the opportunity for possibilities and also for responsibilities. In the creative business, it means there are many administrative hum-drums to be taken care of...the duller, less colorful side of things, you might say. It also means the opportunity to make adjustments, fine tune or even eliminate some things that either worked or didn't work in the past year....improve on a pattern or design or create altogether an entirely different pattern or design, build upon current skill sets or learn completely new ones. It's all an adventure really!

So, with great pleasure, I begin on a custom creation that not only puts to work the imagination and creativity, but is also offering me a chance to reflect and contemplate on some thoughts and ideas...particularly, the direction in which I would like to balance my personal life with my creative life in 2016, both of which I love and enjoy deeply.

In the process of gathering thoughts and ideas for not only this next custom creation but also for Scarlet Elfcup's direction in 2016, I've been digesting some words of wisdom offered by a small young owl who is about to come to life soon.

First and foremost....

Max Ehrmann's Desiderata is among one of my favorite poems of all time. There is a history, a sentimental attachment to these words....a very deeply personal one. In these words resonate a personal story that echoes the sound of a love found and lost, of persons and memories that exist in my mind today only as haunting voices and images. So, yes, this poem holds a very dear, very tender and very special place in my heart. Perhaps one day, I will be able to designate a creation wholesomely on this poem and then I will be able to tell you it's full story. But, until I am courageous enough to bring that story back to life, these words are mere letters that sit nearby and flutter in the wind of life, waiting for it's turn to be set free into the air.

So, I take them for no more or no less than what they are today...words of wisdom..."Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars....In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul." Isn't this all worth striving for starting from today and forever more?

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do." I've strived from the start to make this Scarlet Elfcup's purpose. Scarlet Elfcup exists not because I'm an artist or have brilliant talent or skills, but because I wanted to take all the beauty that I've had in life...the things of the past, the things of the present and even the things of the unknown and turn them into something tangible, truly to bring them to life...to make them immortal in a sense. Perhaps this is because I have a hard time letting go of things and in my mind, if I can make these things tangible to me and for others who might hold a doll, a creature, a something that I made with my hands that was inspired by the beauty that I experienced....perhaps, I keep thinking, that will make these beautiful things that I've experienced, am experiencing, might experience....perhaps it will make it so that they don't slip away into nothingness. I know it's a silly thought....to try and make sentimental things become tangible and even immortal, but still, it makes me happy to think that I might have a tangible version of it exist somewhere in the world and then if the story about this beauty is shared, then perhaps somewhere in another place of the world....someone else might know of this beauty and then it makes them happy. Then, to me...it's not such a silly thought after all.

"Sew your little heart out...have tea...collage...go make art...make something that you like...don't worry if it's not perfect...make something amazing for someone you love." The difference between a personal life and a creative life is a thin, fine and very gray line. Sometimes, I ask, isn't it one and the same if this is what one loves? But, no...not really...it's not one and the same. I think it's a slippery slope and a dangerous idea to make oneself be one's passion or one's work...it really is not the same. So, this year, I want to make a goal of balancing these two things that may seem to be one in the same sometimes....the personal life and the creative life. I want to sew and make for myself and for my dearly loved ones as much as I make for Scarlet Elfcup. And I think that in doing this, I'm going to be able to make Scarlet Elfcup be more of who she is and me be more of who I am and in the end, they will each balance each other out in a beautiful way. And I wish for you the same...go make something amazing for yourself and for someone you love...don't worry if it's not perfect....just MAKE.

With these three thoughts to start me on my next creation, I want little boy owl's mama to know that these words are spoken to her, for her and not just for her, but also for her little boy who has grown so quickly and whose image is reflected in this little boy owl. This creation, the sentiments in the words that will be attached to this creation, mean so much more than what it seems...represents so much more than what appears on the surface. This creation represents all the sentiments I expressed above...the whole thing about making something tangible, turning sentiments into something immortal so that we may always have it's presence in our hands and near to us...for this creation, it represents a mother's wish to hold on so tightly to her little boy's fleeting childhood memories...the ones of the past, the present and the unknown. It is a sentiment that I understand so well and so whole heartedly as I watch my very own little boy of 3 years grow and grow fast and grow faster and faster. It's a heartache to see the speed of light work itself within a child. No wonder we desire the need for sentiments to become tangible and even immortalized. No body knows how to let go of those we love the most....no body.

Now, on a lighter note, let's play a bit with some colors and textures. Back in October, Winston came to life. And oh, did I love this owl, as did so many others. He was a wise little owl who carried these words of wisdom on his wings and in his hat...to be taken out and given for a day when the blues might come or for days when things feel harder than usual...he was a pick-me-upper kind of guy.

He was just that kind of guy who knows just the right thing to say and when to say it, to make a person feel better right away. So, you can't blame me for wishing that I could clone him...make a large assembly line of little Winstons and hand them out for all who need his words of wisdom on a grey day...kinda like the manufacturing of the moon in the book "When the Moon Forgot" by Jimmy Liao. It really wouldn't be the same...Winston or the moon. But, that goes for all Scarlet Elfcup creations. I like for each creation to be unique unto itself...unique in it's inspiration and unique in the process of creation, so that truly, each making that comes to life is one-of-a-kind and inspired by something one-of-a-kind. As such, a mama and her little boy have inspired the making of another wise owl...but, don't be mistaken...this is not the mini-me of Winston. This little man is his own.

This is the moment of "imagination" and "playfulness" in Scarlet Elfcup's motto "Dreams, Imagination, Adventure and Playfulness"....for all ages....that includes me. Here's where creativity goes to play. 

For his coat...a neutral color that is not screaming and gleaming with brilliance, but that conveys gentle and quiet words of wisdom. Will all grey work? Or perhaps a mix of grey and cream with some beautiful trim added? If grey is not for today...how about the neutral of cream, but with a different texture scheme...a soft, all wool pinstriped fabric type? 

For his eyes, this has been decided...a green to match the eyes of a very loved boy. Here are the shades of green from which to toy.

As for his locks, shall we go with loopy boucle or brushed mohair? Whichever one you dare to flair, make sure to choose the shade for which "he" will be most portrayed.

Before I leave you to your day, to ponder on these thoughts, let these words be imparted to you....

Go do something that you've been holding back on...

Go be YOU...

Remember...YOU are enough!

Go find love....then give it all away....

To all the blessings in your life....

And finally....most of all....

To our little wise owl....can't wait to see your little face shine through soon!


...the final hummingbird of the year!

Rufus is named simply "Rufus" as chosen by his mama. She's a very thoughtful mama, this mama. I know her bits of personality, though we are separated by an ocean and some land and we have never met face to face. We're kindred spirits, Rufus' mama and I. And I think she thinks a lot like I do. Sometimes the best and most sentimental things are named just for what they are. The only toy I have today from childhood is a tiny bear given to me when I was four. His name is simply "Bear." My son's most favorite stuffed animal is a little frog that he holds so dear to his heart and in his arms, round the clock. The frog's name is "Frog." I am sure there is someone in your household whose name is simply "as is."

Rufus is named for his hummingbird species, Selasphorus rufusThis particular species of hummingbird is known for being the feistiest of all the North American hummingbirds. They can defeat even the larger hummingbirds, some of which are double their size. The rufous hummingbird is also known for their extraordinary flight abilities, flying as far as 2000 miles during migration.

Rufus' name also coincidentally is related to the Biblical persona, Rufus, whom the Romans compelled to carry the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Although Rufus' coming to life at this time of year was pure coincidence, he has surely done well in representing the celebration of the holidays.

Rufus was inspired by a mama who wanted a hummingbird made with crimson red and burnt orange colors so that she may enjoy the beauty of the holiday season. Henceforth, came a creation modeled after a real life species who also carries with him a name that represents a story for Christmas time. How beautifully it all coincidentally came together!

Rufus' body is made from mud silk. On top of the mud silk, Rufus' body is decorated with over 1000 stitches of about 15 different shades of embroidery thread. He is stuffed firmly with 100% carded wool. Rufus' wings are hand stitched with strips of of 100% silk. His tail is made from a 100% iridescent silk stitched on top of a 100% silk fabric.

Rufus' beak is made from wood, colored with permanent black ink and attached with a tiny dab of industrial strength glue. Despite the industrial strength glue, the beak is still rather delicate because of it's miniscule scale and should be handled with the most gentle hands. In other words, Rufus is not a toy and should not be handled by children.

As requested by his mama, Rufus is sprinkled with a small splatter of gold thread on his head to give him a dash of holiday sparkle. At certain angles in the light, one can see the twinkle of gold glimmering through. It is just enough to give him some shine without making him out to be overly-decorated and as a result taking the eye away from all of his other beautiful features.

Rufus has tiny taloned toes made with floral wire, wrapped in floral tape and then stitched firmly against the body with thread. The toes will clasp onto small branches when carefully posed and Rufus has the ability to sit prettily by your side without assistance. How nice to have a friend sitting near, in front of a fire with a warm cup of tea!


Introducing Scarlet Elfcup's newest tiny hummingbird creation...Ceol (pronounced Ky-ol). Ceol is the Irish word meaning music. This itty-bitty hummingbird loves to sing!!

Before Ceol there were Scout and Pica.

These tiny life-sized hummingbirds are thus far my most favorite creations to bring to life. They are inspired by true life species of hummingbirds. Like all the other Scarlet Elfcup creations, not one are alike. And, in the making of the hummingbirds, I delight in working with nature's greatest inception....colors...gloriously magnificent incredible colors that can never be replicated by human hands. Even so, bringing a hummingbird to life allows me the pleasure of working with a deep, rich and wide spectrum of beautifully colored threads. And the results never fail to make me gasp with enjoyment!

Scarlet Elfcup's hummingbird creations are life-sized. The birds range from 3-5 inches (approx. 7-12 cm) long from beak to tail and stand at about 1 inch (about 2 cm) tall. Each bird is decorated with nearly 1000 hand-embroidered stitches covering the body. And because these birds are hand sewn from start to finish, it takes nearly 30 hours of finely detailed needlework to complete one bird.

Without further ado, let me introduce you to Ceol. Ceol's scientific binomial is Chrysolampis mosquitus, otherwise known as the Ruby TopazThe Ruby Topaz is one of nearly 300 species of hummingbirds left in existence. They can be found mostly in northern South America. Compared to most other hummingbirds, the Ruby Topaz's long straight beak is relatively short.

Ceol's body is made from mud silk. Mud silk is created through an incredibly fascinating process and dates back hundreds of years. It is also a very eco-friendly and sustainable process. This article, "Dye for Two Tones: The Story of Sustainable Mud-coated Silk," provides a very good take on the history of mud silking and talks about it's sustainability and eco-friendliness. If you want to see beautiful photos of the process, this site has a small article and lots of pictures. I chose mud silk for it's tight knit and firmness but yet still thin and pliable qualities. I wanted to embroider the fabric without layering backing into the fabric, which would add too much bulk for such a tiny creation. So, mud silk was the best quality for embroidering tiny stitches on a tiny object. Ceol is stuffed firmly with 100% carded wool.

On top of the mud silk, Ceol's body is decorated with about 1000 stitches of over 25 different shades of embroidery thread.

Ceol's wings are hand smocked using multiple layers of 100% silk and a 100% linen fabric.

Ceol's tail is made from a 100% iridescent silk stitched on top of a 100% linen fiber.

Ceol's beak is made from wood, colored with permanent black ink and attached with a tiny dab of industrial strength glue. Despite the industrial strength glue, the beak is still rather delicate because of it's miniscule scale and should be handled with the most gentle hands. In other words, Ceol is not a toy and should not be handled by children.

Ceol has one fantastic addition that Scout and Pica did not have...FEET!!! Oh joy! Ceol's tiny taloned toes are the smallest bird feet to clasp on to anything around here. The toes are made with floral wire, wrapped in floral tape and then stitched firmly against the body with thread. The toes will clasp onto small branches and Ceol has the ability to sit prettily without assistance due to her tiny toes. I was so delighted to be able to give the hummingbird toes...it's a rather useful feature, you see! These toes allow a singing bird the much needed ability to perch on top of a branch, a tree, a book, a finger and sing to the heart's content. The higher the space is, the happier Ceol will be, for that is where musical sounds carry best throughout the house.

Friends, I hand you...yet, another wee-itty bitty hummingbird created by Scarlet Elfcup...Ceol!

Aoife and Mochta

Once upon the earth lived a variety of deer so large they stand at nearly twice the height of a human. Their antlers spanning more than twice the height of man. They were known as Megaloceros, the giant Irish Elk. Today, they are no more.

But, legend has it that one giant male still roams the planet. He walks alongside his master and protector, the Princess Aoife, a mythical being from the woodlands.

During the time of year when the sun favors the Southern hemisphere, it is said that they can be sighted roaming the woodlands in various parts of the southern world. But, when the time comes for the sun to move toward the Northern hemisphere, the duo return to the tundra where they prefer to live.

It is only during the northern summer that they desire a brief relief from that place where winds and wolves howl, permafrost and chilling snowdrifts occupy all the days of the year, bright white snow and cold dark skies prevail. This is a place where no man can survive for long, only legends can exist. The chills are relentless and the winds merciless. For Aoife, life with Mochta can be harsh and gruesome. But, she wouldn't have it any other way because her sole responsibility is to protect Mochta, the last great giant, from going into extinction.

And so, legend has it that the earth is still graced with one single, remarkable giant Megaloceros and his guardian, the Princess Aoife.

Aoife and Mochta represent the essence of this time of year, when the Northern hemisphere is adorned with flurry white and frozen air gifted by Father Winter. There is nothing more magical than this.

If you were around for the blog post titled "A Woodland Warrior Princess," you know the story and inspiration behind the creation of Mochta. Mochta and Aoife are a dream come true thanks to my mama who requested a custom involving a reindeer. From this idea, the great Irish Elk and his protector evolved. And how happy and thrilled I am that they came to life. But, they have been through a long journey and their creation has been nothing short of adventurous and full of lessons learned. I enjoyed every step of the process, so thank you, thank you A.K. for giving me the chance to play and experiment and bring this beautiful duo into the world.

AOIFE (pronounced Ee-fa)

The name Aoife is derived from the Gaelic aoibh, which means "beauty" or "radiance." Aoife is a Wee-Bee Mini Elfcup doll. She stands less than 6" (15 cm) tall. She is made with all natural materials. Her doll skin is made with premium quality cotton interlock milled in the USA. She is firmly stuffed with bio-wool also made in the USA.  Her seams are sewn twice for reinforcement.  She has embroidered facial features and the most beautiful emerald green eyes I've ever seen. Her facial structure is sculpted giving her a sweet little heart-shaped face with an itty-bitty chin, round chubby cheeks, deeper set eyes. Her cheeks, nose and various body parts are blushed with red beeswax.  She is a sitting doll with sewn joints that are made flexible for easy movement and changing of clothes.  But, with some posing she is able to stand on her own. She also has a belly button and a bum.

Aoife's luxurious locks are made of a fine wefted suri alpaca crocheted into a wig.  It is so lovely and fun to style into a number of coiffures. Just use your imagination and the possibilities are endless. Note: Her locks can be styled gently to your heart's content, but take heed and do not comb or brush that magnificent mane. Suri alpaca can get very static-ky if handled too much and it can felt if not handled gently and lightly.   

Aoife comes with two sets of clothes made fit only for a Princess.

Her wintry wear consists of a warm white cap and a shoulder wrap, both hand knit with brushed suri, a yarn blended of baby suri, merino wool and bamboo. They are extra fluffy and warm, much needed in the tundra. Her shoulder wrap is reversible. Her purple dress is made from 100% cotton and decorated at the hem by a beautiful embroidery motif of flowers. The dress opens fully on the back with two nickel-plated snap buttons. She comes wearing a pair of tiny undies made from 100% cotton. Her lacy legwarmers are hand knit with a fine 100% alpaca yarn. Her winter boots are made from 100% Belgian wool felt.

Aoife's princess wear consists of a hand tatted crown made with cotton floss and embellished with tiny gold beads and a gold flower adorning the front of the crown. As a princess she is cloaked with a beautiful golden brown lace capelet hand knit with a Japanese yarn blended of kid mohair and silk. Her dress is made of 100% cotton, hand embroidered at the front with a pretty doodle motif and strapped with a delicate 100% swiss cotton trim. The dress opens fully on the back with two nickel-plated snap buttons. Her second pair of boots are made with a 100% wool fabric and hand crocheted trim made of a kid mohair and silk blended yarn from Japan.

MOCHTA (pronounced Much-ta)

Mochta's name is derived from Irish gaelic and it means "great." Indeed, he is a great one! The making of Mochta was a magnificent learning process for me and I had a blast at it. Here's what this great creature is made of.

Mochta's enormous Megaloceros skin is made of 100% cotton linen and a 100% wool fabric. He is very firmly stuffed with 100% bio-wool made in the USA. His magnificent antlers are made with the same cotton linen used on his body and lined on the backside with 100% Belgian wool felt. It is detailed with a beautiful motif of pine needles drawn and hand embroidered by me. It is supported by a network of cloth covered floral wires and this allows the antlers to have the ability to be shaped and bent slightly. His ears are made of 100% cotton linen on one side and lined with 100% Belgian wool felt on the other side. His face is embroidered with cotton floss. His bottom side is graced with a sweet tail made of a 100% wool fabric and lined on the underside with a hand knitted piece made from a yarn blended of baby suri, merino and bamboo. His legs are supported internally with silver wire extended through the foot. The hoofs are wrapped securely with floral tape and a 100% cotton linen fabric. Because his legs are supported by the internal wires, they have the ability to be gently and slightly bent.

Mochta comes with a warm wrap around his neck and chest (the tundra is very cold, you know). The wrap is hand knit with a Japanese yarn blended of baby suri, merino wool and bamboo. The wrap is secured with a functional button wrapped with a 100% cotton crocheted cover. Mochta has reins made from crocheted chains of 100% cotton floss.

There we have it...an introduction and welcoming of Aoife and Mochta into the world...may they never go into extinction.


Imagine life as a little boy who lives in a small snow blanketed village surrounded by big trees and the chatter of nature.

He gets up each morning and walks no further than a kilometer from home to attend school in a small schoolhouse. Just like some little boys I know, he doesn't like to be bundled and bounded by warm sweaters and bulky coats. He often leaves home with his favorite winter hat, mama's hand knit scarf and warm boots to keep out the wet. Then off he goes, school books in hand and favorite sled in tow.

Though the distance to school is short and brief, he likes to prolong and extend his journey each morning, especially in winter when there is so much fun to be had in the snow. He'll stop frequently to throw down his gear and books and splatter himself against the white cold fluff to play snow angel and to lie waiting for the next snowflake to fall on his tongue. He'll take the sled up and down small mounds of snow and forgets that he has somewhere to be.

But, that doesn't matter to him because it just feels so good to be a little boy with not a worry in the world and with only the joy of a simple life to be had. His name is Jude.

I love making little boys. There have been a small handful created in the past and they are all some of my favorite creations...full of charm, character and inspired by the lads nearest and dearest to my heart or created for very special people....Ivor, Tom Frost, Claus, Paschal, Tootles...they were all some of my favorite characters. Yet, I wonder why I don't make them more often. In the wake of the crisis and unrest our world currently faces, Jude was created as a wish for an earth where all little boys and girls can have not a single worry and only a simple life filled with joy. And for those of us who are fortunate enough to have a bit of this peace and serenity in our lives, there is nothing more we can ask for.

Jude is a Wee-Bee Mini Elfcup doll. He stands less than 6" (15 cm) tall. He is made with all natural materials. His doll skin is made with premium quality cotton interlock imported from Europe. He is firmly stuffed with bio-wool made in the USA.  His seams are sewn twice for reinforcement.  His hair is made of mohair yarn.  He has embroidered facial features and a lightly sculpted face. His cheeks, nose and various body parts are blushed with red beeswax.  He is a sitting doll with sewn joints that are made flexible for easy movement and changing of clothes.  But, with some posing, he is also able to stand. He has a belly button and a bum.

Jude comes wearing a simple white striped cotton shirt and cotton pants. His warm woolen hat is 100% merino wool cut from a clean, pre-washed, repurposed merino wool sweater. His colorful orange and moss tweed patterned scarf was hand knit with 100% fine alpaca yarn. His boots are hand knit with a 100% wool yarn.

Jude comes with a wooden sled, hand-painted with a scarlet acrylic paint. The sled handle is made from hemp twine. Jude comes carrying a sling holding three school books. Each book is hand bound and tied with wool yarn and contains real pencil sketches made by me. The sling is made from 100% cotton ribbon clasped together with a nickel-plated eye and hook.

Jude is recommended for ages 8+ due to the delicate nature of his design and the small parts that may pose as choking hazards for very young children.

If you are interested in giving Jude a home, he will be available at Dollectable, tomorrow, Tuesday, December 1st, 2015 at 7:00 PM (EST).